Troop 1140

Springfield, VA

New Scout Gear Explanation

Don't panic

General thoughts

Sleeping Bag

Guideline:  bag with a “20 degree” rating is recommended – we have camped outdoors in tents when the temperature was 23 degrees (it was much warmer in the tent).  Note that the sleeping bag temperature rating is a guideline, not a guarantee – and each person is different.

Sleeping Pad

Provides cushioning and warmth when sleeping in a tent against the ground.  Generally strapped to the backpack when hiking.


Guideline: raingear tops and bottoms are required. Scout events are rarely canceled for rain.  We had a campout on a weekend that set a 3-day record for rainfall.


Guideline:  Pack should be comfortable for the boy’s size. A variety of packbag sizes are available; we would suggest choosing one that is between roughly 2900 and 4000 cubic inches. Smaller and larger sizes are available but may not be practical.

Pack Cover

Guideline:  protects the pack from rain when hiking.  The Troop pitches a tarp to protect everyone’s packs when in camp.


Provide support for feet and ankles.  Don’t spend too much on boots, as younger Scouts are likely to outgrow them.

Boots provide some protection against water from rain or stream crossings.

Heavier boots provide better protection, but add more weight to carry if the hike is longer.

Our Troop also brings athletic shoes for use around the campsite.


Think of 3 layers.  Dressing in layers provides flexibility as weather and activities change.

The goal is to provide warmth and to stay dry.  Fabrics which are quick-drying are preferred.


Many Scouts are choosing LED headlamps.  They are small, lightweight, and very convenient as you can work hands free.

Water Bottle

Our troop uses wide mouth Nalgene water bottles.  They are durable, easy to use and clean, and they have measurements on the side for cooking.  Two, one-liter bottles are required – one for drinking water, and one to supply water for patrol cooking.  Choose an unusual color and put your Scout’s name on the bottle (or mark it) so they can identify which is theirs.

Updated June 2016

Jason Huggins